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Saturday 18 January 2014

Toy collectors dillema: Accepting people criticism

Hi, today I want to highlight an issue that almost all toy collector have experience. Harsh comments or criticism from people who just can't understand this hobby. 

Collectors are always questioned for their love and interest. Number one common question is..

Statement No 1: Hey, aren't you too old for kiddies toys?
So how should we respond to this. My response is simple,

My Answer: Nope, we are never too old for toys, but some of my toys are actually manufactured for adult collections. It was never meant for kids as it's fragile and very valuable.
However, I do know people who collect kiddies toys and its not wrong too. Its just the same as people who like to collect shoes or jeweleries. We all have our passions and interest, to me as long as we can enjoy the hobby its okay. The point is just to enjoy the hobby, and enjoying toys collecting as an adult does not make you acts like a kid. In facr, most of my friends that share my interest are responsible adults.

Statement No2: Don't you think its a waste of money to buy these expensive toys?
My Answer: Its  up to you, I do agree my toys aren't a necessity. But I do make sure I have fulfilled my needs first. If you think buying plastic toys is a waste of money, its your opinion, not mine. I do think smoking is wasting though.

Statement No3: Ahah, so you agree that its not a NEED. So why do you bought it anyway?
My Answer: Like I said, Its a Hobby. I buy these things to enjoy them. Its the same as buying lavish and branded goods. If let say, someone justifies buying branded handbag worth thousands then a grocery plastic bag would better justify the NEED of carrying things. A cheap sandals justify the need of protecting your sole. A simple no brand shirt and pants would justify the needs of having clothes. Buying an expensive Golf set aren't need either.

Statement No4: People who collect toys are childish. Don't you think so? (This is more to a statement)

My Answer: Its up to you, people are always judgmental, if you immediately labels people, that makes you childish. Don't you think so too?

Statement No5: I just can't  compute if adult collect toys. Toys are for kids.

My Answer: Its your opinion. It doesn't matter to me. Its the same if I say people watching soccer gains nothing. Its just a bunch of people running after one ball, then kicks it for pleasure. It just doesn't make any sense. That why there's a thig called personal interest. I learned an english saying from my dad. "One man's meat. is another man's poison". But for us collectors, poison IS meat. (Haha collectors will get this joke).
I do agree that some collectors act a little bit childish..  But we are just people and some people acts like that, disregards whatever their interests is. Only that the stereotypes thinking of associating  toys and childish behavior makes peoples perception towards toy collectors inclined towards the same idea.

Statement No6: I just hate it that collectors treat their toys like its sooo much valueable. If my kids break or stole it. I can pay for the broken/missing toys for compensation.
My Answer: Yes, its really valuable, just like jewelery, if you think you can afford to pay, think again. I saw a very old ugly toy in an auction, plus it has a very clear color smudges and discoloration but the price is crazy, like five hundred bucks crazy. Plus even if you can afford to pay, sometimes the item is already too rare to be acquired again. That my friend, we call it vintage. Its like an antique. We'll discuss about that later.
To my collectors friends, who share the same interests as mine. Just explain to these kind of people in good manners, they probably does not understand our hobby & interests. If they still can't accept your answers just let it be. The best thing is just to enjoy what we love. Share if you like my articles.

Thanks. :)


  1. Well said. I'm a kid at heart, so?

    1. Hehe, yeah. we are all the same.. Ejoy the hobby bro.


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